School Year 2023/2024


38.000 m2 basic area (Campus)

16.000 m2 effective area (School buildings)

1.886 m2 effective area (Sports hall)

           96 class rooms

           16 special rooms

School forms

Pre-Primary, Primary School, Secondary School 


Language Sections

German, English, Spanish L1

L I (mother tongue)

All EU languages can be offered

L II (1. Foreign language)

German, English, French


Teaching staff:156 Primary: 59 Secondary: 97

Administration:14, Employees: 9


1674 Enrolments Primary: 670 Secondary: 1004

71 Nations


maximum 24 students per class

Pre-Primary: 2+1

Primary 1: 3+2

Primary 2: 3+2

Primary 3: 3+3

Primary 4: 3+2

Primary 5: 3+3

Total Primary: 17 + 13

Secondary 1: 3+2 +1

Secondary 2: 3+2 +1

Secondary 3: 4+2 +1

Secondary 4: 4+2 +1

Secondary 5: 4+2 +1

Secondary 6: 4+2

Secondary 7: 3+2

Total Secondary: 25 + 14 +5


Further offers

European Baccalaureate

·       According to the rules and stipulations of the European Schools:                  
         SWALS (students without a language section) Support,

·       Learning Support, Learning Skills

·       Student Support Services

·       Diversity of Clubs (sports, culture, art, STEM, music.)

·       Child Minding, Summer camps

·       School Health Centre

·       Mensa and Senior Students Lounge

·       School teams (rugby, golf, tennis, cricket, netball, volleyball, basketball, soccer etc.)

·       Language teaching only by native speakers

·       Caring school (whole school anti-bullying programme)

·       Extra L2 immersion and extra high flyer courses

·       Umweltschule, Tiny Forest

Schuljahr 2022/2023



38.000 qm Grundfläche (Campus)

16.000 qm Nutzfläche (Schulgebäude)

  1.886 qm Nutzfläche (Sporthalle)

       96 Klassenräume,
       16 Spezialräume

Schulformen/School forms

Pre-Primary, Primary School, Secondary School

Sprachsektionen/Language Sections

German, English, Spanish L1

L I (Muttersprache)

All EU languages can be offered

L II (1. Fremdsprache)

German, English, French

Das Personal/Staff

Teaching staff:127 Primary: 55 Secondary: 82

Administration:18, Employees: 9

Die Schüler/ Students

1655 Enrolments Primary: 637 Secondary: 1018

75 Nations


Pre-Primary: 2+1

Primary 1: 3+2

Primary 2: 3+2

Primary 3: 3+2

Primary 4: 3+2

Primary 5: 3+2

Total Primary: 15 + 10

Secondary 1: 3+2 +1

Secondary 2: 3+2 +1

Secondary 3: 4+2 +1

Secondary 4: 5+2 +1

Secondary 5: 4+2

Secondary 6: 4+2

Secondary 7: 3+2

Total Secondary: 26 + 14 +4

Weitere Angebote/Further Offers

European Baccalaureate

·       According to the rules and stipulations of the European Schools:                  

        SWALS (students without a language section) Support,

·       Learning Support, Learning Skills

·       Student Support Services

·       Diversity of Clubs (sports, culture, art, STEM, music.)

·       Child Minding, Summer camps

·       School Health Centre

·       Mensa and Senior Students Lounge

·       School teams (rugby, golf, tennis, cricket, netball, volleyball, basketball, soccer etc.)

·       Language teaching only by native speakers

·       Caring school (whole school anti-bullying programme)

·       Extra L2 immersion and extra high flyer courses

·       Umweltschule, Tiny Forest

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