ESRM is a fully accredited European School, offering the full range of services as foreseen in the curriculum of the European Schools, and is in the lucky position to be able to offer even more…
Everything you always wanted to know about the European School RheinMain
ESRM is also approved as a Gymnasiale Mittelstufe by the Bundesland Hessen and has the status of an Ersatzschule
ESRM is authorized by the Board of Governors of the European Schools to organize the European Baccalaureate, in common with the other European Schools in the different member states and in Germany
ESRM has a Pre-Primary for 4 and 5 year olds, offered in the language sections in which the Early Learning program is taught to the children, in common with other European Schools
ESRM offers, in common with all European Schools, special facilities for children with learning difficulties within the official set of SEN provisions (Special Educational Needs)
For pupils with first language that is different from the language of the main sections, special mother tongue courses can be organized (SWALS: students without a language section)
In Primary as well as in Secondary, the classes at ESRM normally have 24 pupils
Within the constraints of the ES system, ESRM has the possibility to organize and rearrange the class environment to optimize differentiation to suit the children’s needs
ESRM has a beautiful new building, specially constructed to facilitate the rich content of European schooling; the 4 field Sports Hall is amongst the most spacious in Germany
In ESRM normally only mother-tongue speakers can teach the first and second languages
ESRM at a glance
- covers the complete ES curriculum, including the European Baccalaureate/Abitur, which is officially approved and enjoys full recognition status in Germany and abroad
- offers full-day schooling and staff trained specifically in ES curricula
- provides a well-rounded education to pupils from a wide range of cultural and societal backgrounds
- is an equal opportunities school, open to all pupils
- is managed by Tom Zijlstra, former secondary school Director of the European School Frankfurt (ESF)
- is certified by national inspectors mandated by the Board of Governors of European Schools
- works in close co-operation with other European Schools
- will award bursaries and scholarships once school is established
What’s special about education at ESRM
- upholding one’s own cultural identity as the foundation for an individual’s development as a citizen of Europe
- priority placed on pupil’s mother tongue in specific language section forms basis for pupil’s school career
- absolute proficiency in a second operational language (English, German, French) coupled with very good proficiency in a third language
- teachers are mother-tongue speakers
- strength in teaching of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- the Arts and Humanities enjoy a strong European/international bias
- importance placed on Music and Arts
- focus on Sports
- cultural education and appreciation of European heritage
- close co-operation regarding national curricula of all EU member states
- wide subject range enables pupils to discover and develop their individual path
- career-guidance: professional counsellors guide pupils in their choice of subjects and university/occupational orientation
- promotion of tolerance, co-operation, communication and good social interaction with fellow school members
Bad Vilbel Campus
- located in region with steady population growth
- is in centre of a metropolitan region of 5.5m inhabitants, conveniently located within 30 min. of all major catchment areas
- puts Bad Vilbel on the ‘European map’; raises profile of town
- is a key feature of an already thriving town
- sets an architectural bench-mark
- maximizes use of most modern construction technology
- integrated into town community and will ‘open itself’ to this community