
 European School RheinMain  Brochure

Brochure European Schools 1953-2013


School Directors:
Drs. Tom Zijlstra and Gitta Lotz 
Head of Secondary School:
Dr. Daniella Schmitt 
University Advisor in English:
Dr. Daniella Schmitt
University Advisor in German:
Dr. Michael Nickel

School Profile

The European School RheinMain (ESRM) is one of the 33 schools within the renowned European School system, which has schools all over Europe. Originally founded by the European Commission in the 1950s, this system quickly developed and established itself as one of the leading educational systems in the world. The European School system offers two years of pre-primary (Kindergarten), five years of primary education (P1-P5) and seven years of secondary education (S1-S7). Upon completion of S7 (12. Grade), students receive the prestigious European Baccalaureate Diploma, which is a direct equivalent to all the high-school leaving diplomas of the members states of the European Union and is recognized worldwide for its academic rigour. The European School RheinMain (ESRM) was established in September 2012 as the first private European School, fully accredited by the European Commission and the German state. ESRM is also the first European School that is free to offer a placement to students irrespective of their parents’ employer.

School Curriculum and Student Body

The European School RheinMain offers two language sections: English and German and caters also for the needs of Students without a Language Section (SWALs) in the sphere of Spanish. In addition to the main language, students are obliged to have a second language since first grade (English or German) until they finish school and a third language is a must from grades 6 – 10 (S1 - S5). As a third language students can select French, German or Italian. In addition, as of 8. Grade (S3) all humanities are taught in the second language (history, geography and economics), which leads to a very strong language acquisition process. As of 7. Grade students have the optional subject of Latin. As of Grade 9 (S4) students have the option to select a fourth language and as of Grade 11 (S6) students can have a fifth language added to their curriculum. The European School's broad curriculum leads to the European Baccalaureate where the pass mark is 50% with the top students gaining marks of 85%+, which is a considerable achievement. The European Baccalaureate final exams consist of five written and three oral exams. The school offers a rich extracurricular program with digital competences and computing as an integral part of the school curriculum. The class of 2022 consisted of 124 students. The entire number of students at ESRM is 1760 with 1100 attending Secondary School. We have over 52 different nationalities represented in our versatile and talented student body. We offer many extra-curricular programs, in which students can become engaged. In the sphere of debating, politics, entrepreneurship and critical-thinking, we offer the ability to be part of the TedX Team, Model United Nations (MUN), Model European Parliament (MEP), Suit-Up Challenge, Young Entrepreneurs Challenge and Urban Land Project. In the sphere of arts and music, we offer an art club and the ability to join our school choir, orchestra and rock band. In sports, we offer our students the ability to be part of the Rugby, Cricket or Gymnastics team.

Marking system S4-S7 and composition of European Baccalaureate Mark

Our marking scale in the Upper Secondary consists of 0-10, whereby 10 is the highest mark. The following table summarizes the comparison between the European Baccalaureate (EB) grades and their equivalents to the A-levels and the German Abitur.

EB grade

Grade in %


A-levels/ International

German Abitur

9.5 - 10

95% - 100%


A*/ A+


9.0 – 9.4

90 – 94%


1,33 – 1,1

8.0 – 8.9

80 – 89%

Very good


2,0 – 1,34

7.0 – 7.9

70 – 79%



2,7 – 2,01

6.0 – 6.9

60 – 69%



3,33 – 2,71

5.0 – 5.9

50 – 59%



4,00 – 3,34

0 – 4.9

0 – 49%



Nicht bestanden

Summary 2022 EB results









Pass rate
















Universities attended by multiple ESRM graduates (the list is not extensive)



University of Vienna


University of Queensland


University of British Columbia

University of Toronto


The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

National University of Singapore (NUS)


Copenhagen Business School


Sorbonne University

Sciences Po

ESSEC Business School


Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg

Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen

European Business School (EBS)

EU Business School

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (FS)

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Goethe-University Frankfurt

Humboldt University of Berlin

International School of Management

Jacobs University

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Kühne University of Logistics

Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich

Medical School Hamburg

Technical University Aachen

Technical University Darmstad

Technical University Leipzig

Technical University Mainz

Technical University Munich

University of Mannheim

University of Stuttgart

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management


Central European University

Semmelweis University of Medical Sciences


Trinity College Dublin

University College Dublin


Bocconi University

Marangoni Fashion Institute


Kyoto University


University of Lichtenstein


Amsterdam University College

DELFT University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology

Free University of Amsterdam

Leiden University

Maastricht University

Maastricht University College

Tilburg University

University of Amsterdam

University of Groningen

University of the Hague

University of Utrecht


ESADE Business School

IE University

University of Navarra

South Korea

Seoul National University


ETH University of Zurich

Geneva Business School

University of St. Gallen

United Kingdom

City, University of London

Durham University

Essex University

Hult University

King’s College London (KCL)

London Business School (LBS)

Royal Holloway London

Queen Mary University London (QMUL)

The University of Manchester

The University of Edinburgh

University of Bath

University of Brighton

University of Bristol

University of Cambridge

University College London (UCL)

University of Glasgow

University of Kent

University of St. Andrews

University of Stirling

University of Warwick

United States

Arizona State University

Brown University

Georgetown University

John Hopkins University

Miami University

New York University (NYU)

University of California, Santa Barbara

St. Thomas University

Tulane University

Vanderbilt University

Safe School Route

Safe School Route & Parking Rules

School Libraries

School Library

Parents for Parents

Safe School Route & Parking Rules

ESRM is recruiting

ESRM is recruiting

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