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International School RheinMain

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International School RheinMain

Curriculum Kindergarten EN








Curriculum Kindergarten EN













The European School 

RheinMain (ESRM) is diversifying the educational pathways it can offer to students. As an alternative to the European School’s curriculum leading to the European Baccalaureate, students can choose to study towards the International Baccalaureate at the International School RheinMain (ISRM) – a sister school to the ESRM on the same premises. The ISRM will follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, leading to the IB MYP Certificate and the IB Diploma. The ISRM is inviting the enrolment of students to commence in September 2021 in Grades 6, 7 and 8 (S1-S3) into the Middle Years Program (MYP).


ISRM’s Mission Statement:

The International School RheinMain aims to guide young people on their unique journey of understanding what it means to be a human being in the 21st century. We aspire to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and considerate scholars, who endeavour to progress and innovate our world for the better of all. By striving to cultivate a central identity of a global citizen, the greatest aspects of modern humanity are reciprocated in all avenues of school life and beyond.


What is the International Baccalaureate?

More than 5000 schools worldwide teach IB programmes, giving students a unique education. The IB Diploma is accepted at universities around the globe.


What is the Middle Years Program?

The Middle Years Program (MYP) is an ambitious and innovative education program. The MYP involves a conceptual approach to inquiry-based learning which promotes the development of skills as well as knowledge. Through the MYP, students are equipped with the tools to become globally-minded individuals who are ready for the future.


ISRM Subjects:

Language Acquisition the study of an additional language
Language & Literature courses develop skills in the first language of study
Individuals & Societies the humanities and social sciences
Sciences investigate, research, experiment and observation
Mathematics inquiry, application and problem solving
Art creating, performing and presenting arts
Physical Health & Education physical activity and promoting healthy life choices
Design develop thinking skills to solve design problems

ISRM Structure:
Initially MYP 1-3 in September 2021, growing organically into MYP 4 in September 2022

MYP 1 (Grade 6)– one class, 30 lesson periods per week
MYP 2 (Grade 7)– one class, 30 lesson periods per week
MYP 3 (Grade 8)– one class, 30 lesson periods per week

ISRM Enrolment:

ISRM Enrolment Form can be found here:

Curriculum Kindergarten EN

You can send us an e-mail at: admissions@is-rm.com
You can phone us at: +49 6101 505 6612



ISRM Book Lists 2021-2022


Additional information and useful links:

IB Education Video Explainer - https://vimeo.com/92725628
MYP Video Explainer - https://vimeo.com/148628581
MYP Factsheet for parents -https://www.ibo.org/globalassets/digital-toolkit/brochures/1503-myp-factsheet-for-parents.pdf
MYP Information for parents - https://www.ibo.org/information-for-parents/myp-for-parents/  

ISRM Parent's Evening Presentation








Curriculum Kindergarten EN


Sicherer Schulweg

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