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International School RheinMain

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International School RheinMain

Die ESRM stellt ein / ESRM is looking to fill the following positions


School Nurse position at the European School RheinMain.

The European School RheinMain seeks a Registered Nurse with a current RN license in good standing. The Nurse works with all children/ students from Pre Primary to 12th grade, meaning the successful candidate will work with students from 4-18 years old. We are looking to fill this position as of 5. January 2022. The position ideally is full-time, part-time options may be considered. Application closes on 15th December 2021.

The successful candidate will:
  • have a minimum 3 years of experience. Experience in the nursing of children and adolescents is highly desirable.
    • have excellent communication skills and can work with all stakeholders in a positive and consistent way.
    • be able to work in both English and German, ideally at a bilingual level.
    • have excellent ICT skills, especially in the use of email, MSTeams, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
    • be able to keep accurate health documentation of all students and ensure each student has the correct valid documents in line with the local and national guidelines.
    • have the self-dedication to improve the health provision of ESRM in close collaboration with school management.
    • be prepared to initiate new projects and be a part of the wider school community.
We offer:

• pleasant and international working environment,
• new campus with modern facilities,
• attractive salary,
• private pension scheme,
• bonus system.

Please send your application with supporting documents (CV, diplomas, references) to the attention of Mr. Tom Zijlstra, director - Bewerbung@es-rm.eu.

Europäische Schule RheinMain
Tom Zijlstra / Direktor
Theodor-Heuss-Straße 65
61118 Bad Vilbel
E-Mail. Bewerbung@es-rm.eu



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Die ESRM stellt ein

Die ESRM stellt ein

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