The European School Luxembourg, founded in 1956 and the oldest of all European Schools, took part in PISA* in 2006. The School surpassed the score attained by the leading participant countries (Taiwan, Korea, Finland). According to the OECD** the European Schools are up to two years ahead of the German state school system in terms of knowledge transfer. Pupils at the European Schools enjoy a multilingual education as lessons are held in a range of languages.
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* Programme for International Student Assessment
** Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PISA 2006: Comparison between ES Luxembourg, top-ranked countries and schools in the German education system
Analysis of the Academic and Professional Careers of the European School Graduates
Pisa und Europäische Schulen - Einstellungsverfahren nicht muttersprachlicher Lehrpersonen
How The European Schools Compare Internationally PISA for Schools 2022